Update: March 12, 2020, 9:36 a.m.
Dear residential students,
Yesterday President Conway-Turner provided an update regarding the status of the spring semester and moving to remote instruction.
Our residence halls and dining services will remain open throughout the spring semester and students are most certainly welcome to continue with their current housing arrangements. We recognize that some of our resident students may not be able to return home for a number of reasons. Others may choose to spend the remainder of the semester in their home community.
For those of you planning to remain on campus, it is helpful for you to know that we will need to limit large gatherings in campus spaces and therefore will adjust dining services as well as limit access to the Student Union during this time. Additionally, guests will not be permitted into residence halls for the remainder of the semester.
Regardless of your choice, please let us know your plans. You can do so by completing this form no later than Thursday, March 19, by 5:00 p.m.
We recognize the disruption that this may cause our students and we are committed to doing all we can to keep you informed and support you during this challenging time.
In the coming days, you can expect to hear from your faculty about the expectations of remote instruction. As always, there are staff in your building to assist you so do not hesitate to ask questions or share your concerns with them. You can also contact the Residence Life Office at (716) 878-3000 or reslife@buffalostate.edu.
Philip D. Badaszewski, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean, Residence Life
Residence Life Office
Buffalo State College
Bengal Hall
E: badaszpd@buffalostate.edu
P: (716) 878-3000
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