Update: January 11, 2021, 5:16 p.m.
As we prepare for the start of our spring semester operations on Monday, February 1, and as our spring plan is under review by SUNY, please review the following information to ensure a safe return to campus for all.
During the fall semester, the campus community was successful in complying with our health, safety, and surveillance testing to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. We will continue to follow the campus safety measures put into place, including wearing face masks at all times, maintaining physical distance, washing hands frequently, staying home when feeling ill, and following the New York Forward guidelines for density.
Alternative Work Arrangements
The Governor’s Office of Employee Relations has extended alternative work arrangements (the state’s telecommuting pilot program) to April 2, 2021. Department heads and supervisors must ensure that staff members using alternative work arrangements have an approved plan on file.
Because Erie County remains under an Orange Micro-Cluster designation, all non-essential employees should continue to work remotely. Employees must communicate with their supervisors regarding their designation and their supervisor’s expectation of a return to campus for operational needs. Department heads and supervisors must review staff members’ essential status designation. If changes are required, please coordinate with your respective vice president and Human Resource Management.
Returning to Campus for Spring Operations
While many employees will continue to work remotely, it will be necessary for some employees to return to campus in order to assist with in-person spring operations.
Any employee who has not been regularly reporting to campus since the end of the fall semester (Thanksgiving break) who will now have an on-campus presence is required to complete the Employee COVID-19 Daily Screening Questionnaire for two weeks before returning to campus. Employees must complete the daily screening for travel history, COVID-19 history, and COVID-19 symptoms.
Employee COVID-19 Daily Screening Questionnaire
The Employee COVID-19 Daily Screening Questionnaire will be e-mailed to employees each day. To complete the screening questionnaire, please sign on to the Buffalo State Online Campus Health Portal (log-in required) and click the COVID-19 tab at the top, or copy and paste the following link into your browser: https://weigelsp.buffalostate.edu.
Employees who have been reporting to campus regularly over winter break should continue to complete the daily screening questionnaire and report to campus as scheduled.* All employees reporting to work must complete the questionnaire before arriving on campus.
*Please note, employees entering select campus facilities such as the Campbell Student Union and Butler Library will be required to present evidence (green dot) that they have completed their daily screening questionnaire.
COVID-19 Surveillance Testing
All employees who will be reporting to campus for the spring semester in any capacity must participate in periodic surveillance pool testing. Please monitor your e-mail for specific instructions when you are selected to participate in pool testing.
Orange Zone Reminders
Under Orange Zone designation, the following criteria are in place until further notice:
Return to Work Authorization and Campus Updates
The health and safety of the campus community is of utmost importance; as such, we remain in close consultation with SUNY System Administration, the New York State Department of Health, and the Erie County Department of Health. As we move forward, all employees who will have an on-campus presence this spring are required to complete the Return to Work Plan/Authorization Form.
Please continue to review the Campus Updates section of the college’s Coronavirus Information website for the most up-to-date announcements and resources.
Thank you for continuing to do your part in keeping our campus community safe and healthy.
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