Update: October 2, 2020, 8:00 a.m.
We will continue to conduct COVID-19 pool testing for students next week through Thanksgiving break. Testing will take place in the Campbell Student Union Social Hall. Individual course sections are not being selected for testing. Instead, students will receive an e-mail with an assigned date and time frame to present themselves for testing. Though we have tried to assign time frames that minimize disruptions to students’ course schedules, we ask that you support any students who may arrive late to class with a note from the testing team. If a student is selected for testing, he or she must complete the testing in accordance with the recently issued Chancellor’s Uniform Conduct policy. Pool test results are available within 72 hours. Contact tracers will work with the campus in any situation where a positive result may emerge and will notify exposed individuals.
A “How to Swab” video, demonstrating what can be expected during testing, is available on Vimeo.
We ask faculty members to continue to have students present their Daily Symptom Tracker phone app results when arriving to class. Again, per the chancellor’s guidance, students are required to complete the symptom tracker before coming to class and should come to class only if the system has assigned them a GREEN dot and displays the following day’s date. (The system displays a date one day advance to reflect the 24-hour window of clearance.) If a student presents with any other color dot or has not completed the tracker, please refer him or her to the Weigel Wellness Center. More information about the COVID-19 Daily Symptom Tracker and the color key (PDF, 223 KB) can be found on the Weigel Wellness website.
We also ask faculty members to use assigned seating arrangements in their classrooms if possible. This will assist contact tracers in determining who was seated near positive cases. Assigned seating may even prevent an entire classroom from having to be quarantined.
I appreciate your continued efforts to help monitor, support, and keep our campus safe.
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