Update: January 29, 2021, 8:00 a.m.
In accordance with new guidance from the State University of New York, Buffalo State College will conduct weekly COVID-19 surveillance (pool) testing of the entire on-campus population throughout the spring 2021 semester.
Starting Monday, February 1, all students who will live on campus, take at least one class on campus, use services on campus (e.g., library, gym, dining), or work on campus are required to participate in weekly testing. Commuter students with a 100 percent remote schedule—and who will not come to campus under any circumstances for the spring 2021 semester—are exempt from weekly pool testing. The spring 2021 testing schedule for students is online. Students will receive direct communications from Student Affairs regarding additional testing expectations and instructions.
Employees who are required to report to campus to complete some or all of their work obligation in a particular week are required to participate in weekly testing. If an employee does not report to campus in a given week, he or she is not required to participate in testing that week. The spring 2021 testing schedule for employees is online. Employees with questions about weekly pool testing should contact Human Resource Management at (716) 878-3042 or hrcovidresponse@buffalostate.edu.
Weekly surveillance testing will add an additional layer of protection for our campus community as we continue to work together to stay safe and healthy. Our plan to restart operations for the spring 2021 semester has been approved by SUNY and is now posted on the Coronavirus Information website. I encourage all members of the Buffalo State community to stay informed and regularly review the Campus Updates and COVID-19 Case Dashboard sections of the website.
Just as we did in the fall, I’m expecting all Bengals to remain vigilant this semester. Wear a mask, wash your hands, commit to physical distancing, and avoid social gatherings. Although statewide and regional positivity rates have decreased in recent weeks following a worrisome holiday surge, we all need to do our part to reduce the risk of COVID-19 and its impact on our campus.
Be well and be safe.
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